Monday Devotion - 13th July 2020

Scripture Reading - Philippians 2:9-11

Therefore God has highly exalted him and bestowed on him the name that is above every name, 10 so that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, 11 and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.

Names are important. Granted they used to hold greater significance in a bygone era in Western civilisation. But even today in particular parts of our world, the name given to a child is given great thought because their name reveals who they are to be. Unfortunately how trendy or even abstract a name sounds seems to be the determining factor in the minds of many twenty-first-century parents.

Though our minds may not be in tune to realise the significance of names, whenever we read scripture we must understand that biblical names are important. And none are more significant than that of the one given to the Son of God.

The Name Above Every Name

The name prescribed to God’s Son, Jesus Christ, tells us all that we need to know concerning this child born in Bethlehem. 

‘Jesus’ simply means saviour. ‘Christ’ refers to his messianic designation and to identify him as ‘Lord’ claims that he is the ruler and sovereign of this world.

The Lord Jesus Christ is a name worth considering and marvelling at. It reveals his true identity, character and purpose. This man entered earth in humble surroundings, yet he was God incarnate. He came as the eternal Word of God and to display God’s goodness to his creation; teaching, healing and extending God’s mercy. Yet he was more than a good or powerful example. He came to save and he accomplished that by laying his life aside on a Roman cross. The ultimate reason Jesus left heaven was to die the most harrowing of deaths. He quite literally took up his cross and counted the whole of humanity more significant than himself.

Jesus lived up to the expectation placed upon him whenever he was given his name. And for that reason, Paul tells us that God has highly exalted him (verse 9). Not merely exalted, but highly exalted. His supreme humility has been supremely rewarded by his Heavenly Father.

Humility is a desirable quality that God is looking for in his children. And as Jesus was exalted for his humility, the same runs true for our lives. Listen to the words of Jesus and James;

Luke 14:11;

   ‘For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted.’

James 4:6;

   ‘But he gives more grace. Therefore it says, “God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble.’

The Bible tells us plainly that if we want God’s favour and blessing we can attain it by living a life saturated in humility. Just think of how vastly that differs to how our world views the road to favour and blessing. Work your socks off, prize number one, take no prisoners etc.

The Apostle Paul concludes this song of praise which he has got caught up in by explaining how God will highly exalt his Son (verses 10-11). And it begins with submission. Every human will bow the knee at the name and person of Jesus. They will physically acknowledge the lordship of Jesus. But it is crucial to grasp the audience who will bow and how Paul identifies them.

In Heaven, on the earth and under the earth. The angels and saints in Heaven, the redeemed and lost that remain on the earth and the damned souls in Hell alongside the demonic forces and chiefly Satan will bow down to Jesus.

However, this collective gathering will also verbally acknowledge the lordship of Jesus with their tongues (verse 11). They will confess Jesus as Lord. It conveys the notion of declaration.

Often, and for good reason, Christians rejoice at these selected verses as we envision that almost unimaginable event as the whole created order bows in awe at the glory of our saviour and God.

However, these verses are terrifying and should cause us to pause and think. From the perspective of the unbeliever, who if they remain in their unbelief, will one day bow before Jesus and even verbally confess him as Lord, yet at that very moment, it will be too late. The day of salvation will have faded away. 

Oh, how that reality should invigorate our evangelistic zeal for our friends and family who reside outside of the family of God.

Nevertheless, we rejoice as on that day our Lord Jesus Christ will receive all the honour and glory that his humble life deserved.


Monday Devotion - 20th July 2020
