Monday Devotion - 31st August 2020
Henry Capper Henry Capper

Monday Devotion - 31st August 2020

Every follower of Christ has a story of how they were converted. Each will be unique, some will be more fascinating than others, but they all revolve around one central factor. At one point, their life changed whenever they repented of their sin and put their faith in Jesus Christ.

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Monday Devotion - 24th August 2020
Henry Capper Henry Capper

Monday Devotion - 24th August 2020

This is where true and total confidence is to be found. It is not to be found in the flesh, in whether someone has been physically circumcised or not, but whether one has had their heart circumcised.

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Monday Devotion - 17th August 2020
Henry Capper Henry Capper

Monday Devotion - 17th August 2020

Joy is not based on our circumstances. It comes from a personal relationship in Jesus Christ. Authentic joy rises above circumstances. It over-rides pain, suffering and struggles.

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Monday Devotion - 10th August 2020
Henry Capper Henry Capper

Monday Devotion - 10th August 2020

Epaphroditus is a real human life and experience of what it looks like to serve Christ, even to the point of death. He shows us that real life and joy comes from living in the fashion and likeness of our saviour.

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Monday Devotion - 27th July 2020
Henry Capper Henry Capper

Monday Devotion - 27th July 2020

We need to be people who are swift to act. Habitually repenting and praying to God to steer us away from acquiring a contentious spirit.

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Monday Devotion - 20th July 2020
Henry Capper Henry Capper

Monday Devotion - 20th July 2020

Sanctification is what is happening in the life of a believer right now. It is the process of putting sin to death and growing in holiness. It is, in essence becoming more like our saviour Jesus Christ.

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Monday Devotion - 6th July 2020
Henry Capper Henry Capper

Monday Devotion - 6th July 2020

‘No one ever humbled himself or herself more than the Lord Jesus Christ. No one ever started so high and no one ever descended so low. No one gave up so much as he did’

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Monday Devotion - 22nd June 2020
Henry Capper Henry Capper

Monday Devotion - 22nd June 2020

As Christians we are to have one focus and purpose; serving and glorifying God. In the words of Hebrews 13, we are to run with endurance the race set before us, looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith.

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Monday Devotion - 15th June 2020
Henry Capper Henry Capper

Monday Devotion - 15th June 2020

The Bible presents a reason and purpose for suffering. That even in pain God is still working and active to bring to fruition his purposes for our good and his glory.

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                                                           Monday Devotion - 1st June 2020
Henry Capper Henry Capper

Monday Devotion - 1st June 2020

‘’I will have no right to participate in the reconstruction of Christian life in Germany after the war if I do not share the trials of this time with my people’’

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